In good news, my visa actually came through, which means than despite all the bureaucratic craziness the Japanese government is actually willing to let me act as a tiny cog in their highly regimented and quite possibly dangerous economic machine. Anyway, that's the last hurdle made out of paperwork... so I guess I really am going to do this. Dear. God.
At least I'll be well prepared; I went shopping with my dad the other day down at Officeworks, and picked up a few shopping bags full of tech-gear (seriously, it feels like I've got enough stuff to build my own version of Land Warrior here). That means I can take, store and send all sorts of cool media all around the world! It's pretty cool... check this out:

Buffy is fighting Cthulhu on the island of Ry'leth! (here represented by the wasteland of my floor). I hope all my photos are just as awesome. Plus the webcam came through, so now I can show the world my shoebox/apartment in glorious real-time hi-def! All this and the nice people at the store finally signed us up to that 'Flybuys' thing that the people in the supermarket keep hassling us about, which means my parents can get a free airfare to visit me! (Providing they spend $2,000,000 at Coles in the next 12 months).
I've been going crazy with the DVD's lately too in this mad-rush to finish all the shows I have on my somewhat ridiculously long 'to-watch' list. I finished off Witch Hunter Robin the other night but I've still got to work through Texhnolyze in the next week. Compounding the situation my friend Juanita lent me her Freaks and Geeks boxset the other day, and unfortunately it's as cool as all the rumors suggest, meaning it's taken over my life to a disturbing extent... so many quotes to memorise, so little time... I like to think of it as 'cramming' before I find myself unable to comprehend what's happening on my TV set.
Ok, time to go... hardware drivers don't get installed and DVD's don't get watched all by themselves y'know...
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